Looking to get your message out? We have contacts with the top PD's in the industry and we will get you scheduled on the right radio station for your message.
Al Bernstein
"Over the years I have been a guest on hundreds of radio shows, and one overriding fact has emerged. The quality of the interview has a lot to do with the folks who booked you for the show. They need to pick the right host and right markets and prep the producers properly so that your appearance goes well. In recent months that task for my appearances has often fallen on David Brody
and Dustin Rhoades of USSportsPages.com. The work they've done for me in that regard is among the best ever in my 30 year long career. I would recommend David and Dustin if you are looking for a firm to handle your sports marketing."
- Al Bernstein, "Voice of Boxing" for ESPN and Showtime for 27 years
For more information on having us schedule you as a guest on talk-shows, contact David Brody or Dustin Rhoades at, contact@ussportspages.com, 1-877-888-1267.
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